Donut Miss This

Donut Miss This
Audio Version: Let Me Hear It!
In a perfect world, donuts would have no calories and the stock market would always go up. Yet, they do, and it doesn’t, and still we indulge. With every delicious bite we are reminded that donuts are unhealthy, but almost nine years into a positive market it’s easy to forget, or, if nothing else, harder to relate to a down market. In fact, over time we may start to redefine “risk” as the potential of missing out on strong market returns, rather than risk of loss. 
For a healthy reminder of why chasing market returns can be dangerous and why full participation in good markets isn’t necessary, check out the below video by Beacon Pointe Advisors. Said best by investment mogul Warren Buffett, “Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy only when others are fearful.”